Death in Paradise at ZDFneo in the Stream...Series
Death in Paradise at ZDFneo in the Stream
The popular crime series Death in Paradise is now also available to stream on ZDFneo. The first two seasons are currently available in the ZDF Mediathek, and the third season will be added on January 20, 2023. Death in Paradise is a British-French crime series that has been produced since 2011. The series is set on the fictional Caribbean island of Saint Marie and follows the investigations of Detective Inspector Richard Poole, who is sent to the island to investigate the murder of a British police officer.
Death in Paradise: A popular crime series set in the Caribbean
Death in Paradise is a popular crime series that has been praised for its beautiful scenery, its engaging characters, and its intriguing mysteries. The series has been nominated for several awards, including the BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series. Death in Paradise is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and for those who enjoy watching shows set in beautiful locations.
The main character of Death in Paradise is Detective Inspector Richard Poole, who is played by Ben Miller. Poole is a brilliant detective who is initially reluctant to move to Saint Marie. However, he soon comes to love the island and its people. Poole is assisted by Sergeant Camille Bordey, who is played by Sara Martins. Bordey is a local police officer who is initially skeptical of Poole, but she soon comes to respect him.
The other main characters of Death in Paradise include Dwayne Myers, who is played by Danny John-Jules, and Fidel Best, who is played by Gary Carr. Myers is a police officer who is always eager to help Poole, and Best is a pathologist who provides Poole with valuable information. Death in Paradise is a well-written and well-acted crime series that is sure to entertain viewers. The series is full of twists and turns, and the characters are well-developed and relatable.