Sachsen Anhalt Nachhaltigkeitsrichtlinie Der Eu Ihk Erwartet Deutlich Mehr Buerokratie

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Sachsen-Anhalt: Nachhaltigkeitsrichtlinie der EU: IHK erwartet deutlich mehr Bürokratie
Sachsen-Anhalt: Nachhaltigkeitsrichtlinie der EU: IHK erwartet deutlich mehr Bürokratie from

Sachsen-Anhalt: EU sustainability directive: Chamber of Commerce expects significantly more bureaucracy

Chamber of Commerce criticizes EU sustainability directive

More bureaucracy expected for companies in Saxony-Anhalt

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in Saxony-Anhalt has criticized the EU's sustainability directive. The directive is intended to promote sustainability in companies. However, the IHK warns that it will lead to significantly more bureaucracy for companies.

The IHK's criticism focuses on the fact that the directive is too complex and difficult to implement. Companies would have to spend a lot of time and money to comply with the directive. This would be a particular burden for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The IHK also criticizes the fact that the directive does not take into account the specific circumstances of companies in different sectors. The directive would therefore lead to unequal treatment of companies.

The IHK calls on the EU to revise the sustainability directive. The directive should be simplified and made more flexible. In addition, the EU should provide support to companies in implementing the directive.

The EU's sustainability directive is intended to promote sustainability in companies. However, the IHK warns that it will lead to significantly more bureaucracy for companies.

The IHK's criticism focuses on the fact that the directive is too complex and difficult to implement. Companies would have to spend a lot of time and money to comply with the directive. This would be a particular burden for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The IHK also criticizes the fact that the directive does not take into account the specific circumstances of companies in different sectors. The directive would therefore lead to unequal treatment of companies.

The IHK calls on the EU to revise the sustainability directive. The directive should be simplified and made more flexible. In addition, the EU should provide support to companies in implementing the directive.